Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy fingers

the holidays have come and gone and I don't know where the time went!
Okay, I do. It went to crocheting, and crocheting, and crocheting.
I have had SO.MANY. orders.
Thank you for keeping me busy!!
My fingers are seriously tired, but I am loving everything that comes out of them.
Each custom order has been a little bit different and it is so much fun to put together the colors customers have requested. I love it!!

I keep thinking I will have time to design a new product for my shop and then another order comes in, kiddos get sick, family visits, my calling 'calls', etc, etc.

But I am thrilled to introduce you to my latest project. He is not crocheted, but he is oh so cute and you will LOVE him, I am sure. (no it is not another baby, but he is FOR my babies!)

Coming very very soon.

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